How Much is Your Old Heating System Costing You?

The average Canadian household devotes 64% of its total energy use solely to heating. Therefore making smart decisions about your home’s heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) system can have a big effect on your utility bills and comfort. If you are experiencing excessive noise, discomfort or high utility bills it may be time to invest in a new system.

If you currently have a gas furnace, older models have efficiency ratings as low at 60%. Today’s highly efficient models installed by All Elements are available with a 98% efficiency rating. By making the switch to a highly efficient furnace the average Canadian Household will save 20-30% on their annual utility bills or an average of $363.00. This is a huge saving over the lifetime of a furnace.

If you currently heat your home with an electric furnace installing a Heat Pump might be a great option for you. Heat Pumps heat and cools your home by using electricity to move heat from one space to another. Because they move heat rather than generate heat the use of a Heat Pump reduces the average electricity usage by 30-40% resulting in huge utility savings!


By replacing your old system with a new high-efficient system you may be eligible for great rebates! Check out which Rebates you could be eligible for and start saving on your utility bills.